Thursday, August 22, 2013

I Like This Thursday: Episode 2

Since we moved to Texas, I have become somewhat of a nail polish-aholic.  I don’t paint my nails all that often, toes far more than fingers, but for some reason, I can’t pass the cosmetics department at the H-E-B without running in and finding a lovely color – preferably on sale.

During the last few weeks of my pregnancy, when I was exiled to the couch, I was CRAVING some sparkly red nail polish.  Nothing I had on hand would do.  It needed to be red. And sparkly.  And the sparkles needed to be red.  We’re talking give Dorothy's shoes a run for their money red sparkles.

So, I cheated the bed rest a bit and after dropping Matt off for class and before going to my doctor’s appointment, I made a quick stop to the Walgreen’s on Rt. 66 and checked out my options. Red polish with silver sparkles, red sparkles with clear polish, red with shimmer (shimmer, really?) and just plain red.  I nearly left empty handed.  Then I spotted it on the bottom level of the Sally Hansen section – and for only three bucks!  Sally Hansen Xtreme Wear in Red Carpet.

I have about 10 bottles of this brand and have to say, it lasts like no other.  This last week I picked up Golden-I, and it is the most perfect gold – sparkly, but not glittery, smooth and shiny.  I’d have pictures, but the only cameras I have right now are either film or my less than great phone camera.  We went to the Children's Museum today so I did not give this post the attention it deserves.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

I Like This: Episode One

I was doing so well, wasn’t I?  For a few days in a row, I busted out some blog entries (I thought about using a modifier & decided against it).  I’ve been trying to come up with some sort of frame work so I have motivation or some sort of a structure for writing posts.  That’s when I came up with I Like This Thursdays.  Each Thursday (humor me, here) I will write to you about something wonderful that I like.  It could be a person or a product or a TV show – anything.  The possibilities are limitless.  So here we go.


I flippin’ love hatch chiles.  I came to this realization about this time last year when any time you hopped out of your car at a grocery store in Flagstaff, you were greeted with the delicious aroma of roasting hatch chiles.  TO. DIE. FOR.  I have been looking forward to August since last September.  I knew the fancy grocery store in town, Central Market, did a Hatch Chile Festival, so I knew I’d be able to locate the goods, which was important when August rolled around and I didn’t smell chiles anywhere.  What the heck?

So today, I plopped my boy in the car and headed to the land of chiles.  When I parked and opened my car door, my heart dropped.  All I could smell was ashpalt.  Another San Antonio disappointment.  I needed to pick up tea leaves for my dear friend, so I went in the store, desperately searching for a chile roaster. 

Ugh, well, I found some iced roasted chiles and tried about five different Hatch chile flavored edibles, but theres a little hole in my heart that can only be filled by the warm aroma of roasting chiles.  That’s why I Like This.


(I considered starting with Episodes Four, Five & Six, and then heading to One, Two & Three, but decided against it.  Let’s not get TOO nerdy.)