Friday, February 3, 2012

Last paid job for a long time.

A week ago was my last day at Michael’s.  My last time getting paid for my work for the foreseeable future.  Now I am a stay-at-home-(almost)-mom and I have to admit, it’s a little scary.

I left Michael’s on a pretty good note, having worked nearly every position in the store and finally stopping at Office Specialist (I had my own set of keys – to everything but the front door).  Our store manager left about two weeks before I did and in those two weeks, I found out that I had been doing nearly everything wrong.  Oh, well.  It’s all over now.  And I can still confidently show my face at my favorite craft store.  So that’s a plus.

Now, I just have to sit around (literally.  Bed rest is hyperbolically the worst thing ever) and wait for my next job to arrive.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Yesterday certainly didn’t go as planned.

I had my 34 week appointment yesterday.  I was thinking it would be quick and easy just like the last few appointments had been.  In & out, practically before the appointment was even supposed to begin.  This pregnancy has been so smooth, I guess I just didn’t expect anything.

My blood pressure was high-ish.  So, I was admitted to the hospital for a few hours to run tests and eventually to be prescribed blood pressure medication.

And now I am on bed rest, something I’ve always thought would be fun and wonderful, but omg, this baby could be here in two to three weeks (or sooner) and I have so much I need to do!  ARGH!  BABY!

But, I am able to finally get caught up on Glee and I have time to start off LetterMo with a BANG!  But it would be nice to get some of this baby laundry taken care of.  And everything else that I’ve been meaning to do.

So that is what is going on in the Baby Department of my life.